both and neither is a monthly-ish newsletter on nonbinary reflections, approaches, and practices — a space to consider and play around with everything that lives outside of the either/or, good/bad, yes/no/maybe way of seeing the world.

Binaries are everywhere in our culture. They’re an incredibly useful tool that help us sort a complicated world into clear categories. They tell us where we are, where we are not, and where we want to go. And, for several hundred/a couple thousand years, depending on where you locate their emergence, binaries have been used in service of domination, of sorting everything and everyone into categories: good/bad, better than/worse than, worthy of protection/deserving of violence. Almost everyone alive today lives in a culture founded on binary thinking.

The logic of binaries underlies almost every aspect of our lives, no matter our political orientations, religion or spirituality, class, race, gender, age, or ability. We’re so used to thinking in binaries it can be difficult to even recognize the ways they operate in our lives. They seem like a natural, normal, given, like gravity or sunsets. And yet, the more we study binaries, rather than taking them for granted, the more we learn how artificial and out of sync they are with the rest of the planet, and how much expansiveness and possibility actually exists in the world around and within us.

both and neither is a space to take apart binaries, and the systems of domination they support, to study other ways of being, and to reconnect with the nonbinary ways of being that already exist within us. Each of us is always already nonbinary in our approaches, because the planet, and the life that exists here, are themselves nonbinary.

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on non-binary approaches + how they help us move through and around the compression of capitalism and other systems.


Writing playfully and deeply about binaries and nonbinary longings.